Filsafat hukum islam juhaya s praja pdf
Filsafat hukum islam juhaya s praja pdf

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While all of the issues listed earlier are important, the last issue of 1 Dr Raihani is a senior lecturer of Education Studies at UIN Suska Riau and an Adjunct Research Fellow at The University of Western Australia (2012-2015). One of the concerns in this larger research has been the religion classes in the schools studied: why they should be taught, how they are imparted and evaluated in both public and private schools, what factors that support or impede their implementation, and how religious groups are treated in terms of getting access to the classes and facilities. Introduction This present study is part of a larger team-research project on education for multicultural and tolerant Indonesia funded by Australia Research Council (ARC). Keywords: religious minority rights, religion classes, secondary schools, minority-majority relations One case, however, demonstrates that the positional power of minority group reverses this logic of minoritypowerlessness and puts the religious majority students in a subordinate position. Numeric religious minority groups in these schools suffer from powerlessness. The findings suggest that the right of religious minority groups in three different schools to access proper RC is stifled, particularly to access equal learning facilities. This paper argues that numeric minority in any context (micro or macro) is vulnerable to discrimination by the dominating majority when the law of social relations is not fairly implemented. Minority in this paper refers to religious groups that are either numeric minority or subordinate majority at the micro school level, not in the macro national population. This paper presents findings of four different school case studies on the problem of access to RC by religious minority in schools in Indonesia. This particular article has a legal ramification that school – state and private – by law must provide corresponding Religion Classes (RC) for each religious group of students in order to fulfil their very human basic right to access to and observe their religious and cultural teaching and practices.

filsafat hukum islam juhaya s praja pdf

Minority Rights to Access Religion Classes: Three Different Cases Raihani1 Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Syarif Kasim, Riau Abstract: In 2003, Indonesian government issued a new education law in which one of the articles (Article 12) states that student has the right to access religion class in school in accordance with his or her religion by teachers who share the faith. CAPTER 3 ISLAMIC LAW: FROM ‘ILLAH TO MAQASID

Filsafat hukum islam juhaya s praja pdf